Voilà Kyubi is in the place !!!
Iron Builder 3.0 - Round 13 - Onosendai2600 vs 6kyubi6Notre Moceur de folie entre dans la cours du plus grand contest de MOc sur le net : Le IRON BUILDER sur FlickR
Cet évenement vaut bien un petit sujet spécialement pour suivre celui-ci chez les frenchies et au passage expliquer un peu comment ça fonctionne ces Iron builder parce que je suis pas sur que tout le monde connaisse......
Je vais donc éditer ce sujet en postant les avancées de notre ami dans son combat de briques
Pour l'introduction, place à Guy alias
V&A Steamworks qui gère ces Iron builder :
Guy alias V&A Steamworks a écrit:
Back in 2013 I was contacted by some nice folk from across the Atlantic. They explained that they came from a land rich in crusty baguettes, rude waiters and smelly cheeses but they were sorely lacking in inspired building contests of a mano-a-mano nature.
These folks from BrickPirate in France (
http://www.brickpirate.net ) asked for my blessing that they might put on an Iron Builder style contest - using (la pièce mystère), for their forum members and call it 'Duel of Pirates'. I enthusiastically said 'Qui' and looked forward to seeing what these French Buccaneers would create ( with the aid of Google translate, 'cause my French, she not a so good..! ).
Over the months that followed I was thrilled to see the competitors doing a 'tre magnifique' job and one of the stand-out warriors was a gentleman called '6kyubi6' aka Jimmy. He also got on the radar of former IB Si-MOCs who gave him a glowing recommendation. I met with him in a small cafe and over a gourmet meal of Rabbit stew and delicately scented snails I asked him if he thought he had what it takes to take a sword in one hand and a battle-axe in the other and shed some blood in the Coliseum 'le Briques. He responded with a steely grin and put on the most beautiful armored beret I have ever seen. Through gritted teeth he spoke 'qui'.....
On the other side of the arena we have one of the 'bad-boys' of the AFOL community. One of those troubled switch-blade toting ne'er do wells from that Michael Jackson's Beat It video kind of guys.
Of course by the picture above, you know that I can ONLY be talking about Onosendai2600 aka Andrew Lee. You see him walking down the street and you find a convenient excuse to start walking on the other side of that street. He struts with a well deserved swagger having taking down some serious competition by chopping the bricks out from under former Iron Builder Si-MOCs to grab the throne, and then defending his crown against the fearless Murder-Kiwi BrickThing.
A member of the infamous Team Ronin he probably has some scary tattoos with Yakuza themes ( I have only seen the My Pretty Pony ones...)
Thanks again to the nice folks at LEGO who are again sponsoring this round of Iron Builder. Feeling a little ignorant in my Mixel knowledge from the last round I did a some research at the web site (
http://www.mixels.com ) and I found out a bit more about the story behind this groovy sets. A big part of the culture behind these models is the idea of combining the various characters to create a Hybrid version of the two sets. And then if you are feeling really frisky you can combine all three sets within a particular tribe/color scheme to create a MAX version for ultimate in Mixel-ness! The nice part about this is that there are some great online resources and additional building instructions at the web site to help you create these Uber-Mixels and their kin.
Our Mixel for this round is called "Seismo". Each builder will get TEN sets to work with. For this round of IB we will have a unique 'part' in that it is actually a paired set of elements. The interesting building-process for our competitors is that there is a clear-obvious use for this combo. Their challenge will be to teach us AFOLs that perhaps we have been too stale in our thinking about this fairly recent new LEGO element.
As an added bonus the builders will have all of the other great parts in the MIXELs Seismo set to add to their personal collections and build with if they so choose
For judging purposes the secret ingredient(s) will be treated with equal merit as used individually or as a complete set.
Special DEADLINE rule for this round. Because we are always striving to improve the contest and see if a new idea works well - we are going to change the duration of this round of IB. It will be 4 weekends ( with 3 weeks in between ) of competition. Let's see how it works out. So the DEADLINE will be Midnight Sunday June 15th
Without further Adieu.....
ALLEZ BRICK!Le IRON BUILDER est un contest oposant 2 Moceurs qui a lieu sur FlickR. C'est pas forcément évident de s'y retrouver sur FlickR... globalement les créations son postées sur le compte FlickR de chaque Moceur et sont linkées sur le sujet principal du Iron builder.
Le groupe Iron Builder et le sujet concernant ce round 13 est ici :
https://www.flickr.com/groups/2167827@N ... 762173526/Les création devraient pouvoir être suivie également ici :
https://www.flickr.com/photos/32482342@N05/14254400504Le compte FlickR de Onosendai2600 :
https://www.flickr.com/photos/wintermute2600/Le compte FlickR de 6Kyubi6 :
https://www.flickr.com/photos/7kyubi7/Il y en a un qui doit être en peline bourre pour nous sortir son premier MOC !!
N'hésitez pas à encourager les participants et surtout notre Jimmy nationnal !!
On relayera les MOC de ce round sur le sujet pour en discuter